Sundays are usually my one full day at home during the week. I try to use my time to hang out with my dog, Sam, and attend to my home…which usually gets a bit neglected through the week. Today ended up being my annual first Spring day to plant things and clean up my little patio space. It ended up being a nice grounding activity after an energetically difficult week. It is a rare day when I don’t need to have the air conditioning or heat on…and the door to the patio can stay open without consequence, like heat or cool air escaping, or bugs getting inside. Sam also loves to be able to freely go out there to bark at something or lie in the sunshine.
I rode the wave of productivity and made a green smoothie for the week, chili, skillet cornbread…and managed to still have the energy left to get all the dishes washed. I do enjoy starting the week with a clean(ish) space, and it rarely happens!
Being outside and having my hands in the dirt is usually a calming and grounding practice. I have also cleaned up the patio a bit since I lost some plants during our recent snow storm. It feels less congested and in turn makes me feel a little more organized and calm. Over the few years I have been in this space I have also learned what does and does not grow well out there…so I hope to have more success this time around.
What grounding practices do you use in your life?