Salt Cured

I had a doctor, back in New York, who wanted me to snort salt water out of my hand to help relieve my allergies. I thought she was crazy. Then I got into herbal medicine and when I kicked all my anti histamines I was introduced to the idea of a neti pot. While a little odd and worrisome at first, I still found it less off-putting than snorting water from my hand!

For those of you who aren’t familiar, a neti pot is a nifty little device that allows you to rinse allergens etc out of your nose and sinuses with warm salt water. There are various styles of neti pots…some look like a cross between a gravy boat and a tea pot and some are basically a squeeze bottle. I prefer the ceramic but will use the squeeze bottle when my nose is clogged with a cold.

Fast forward to now, and I am still using a neti pot. Unfortunately, I have had to resort to some over the counter or allergy meds at times the past couple of years, but I really do feel the difference when I don’t use the neti pot every day. And when I have a cold, flushing out my sinuses really helps the cold move along faster because salt is anti bacterial (it also helps stop a nose bleed pretty fast). Note: You want to make sure you either use distilled water or boil the water you use. (I use filtered and bottled water).

I bought my first neti pot HERE but it was sort of pricy. It was also a little work of pottery art, which I adored. And me being me, I went a little berserk and bought a Himalayan salt lamp, salt inhaler (etc) too. All of which helped but the Himalayan salt isn’t always necessary. Sometimes, I buy fine sea salt (without any anti-caking agents), and add a little pinch of baking soda, which can be much more cost effective. Lately I’ve been getting the little bags of neti pot salt and adding this additive.