Sounds & Silence

Heart Chakra Singing Bowl

One of my most powerful memories of my 3 year herbal apprenticeship is when we did a chakra balancing sound meditation out in the woods. I was sitting on a huge boulder and felt the connection to the earth as soon as we began chanting the root chakra tone

I have been using sound healing techniques a lot over the past few months. I have moved from guided meditations to pure sound recently. It’s been pretty extraordinary!

Sound healing is extremely effective in all kinds of healing—emotional, mental and physical (I have even practiced meditations to help with cold and flu, as well as tennis elbow)!

Binaural Beats and Tibetan Singing Bowls are my current favorites. Singing bowls get right in there and soothe physical symptoms very quickly. I recently had trouble falling asleep because my heart was racing a bit…so I looked up meditations for the heart chakra and was pretty instantly aided by some singing bowls. When you find the right meditation music, it will resonate helpfully in the affected part of your body.

I have long found actual singing to be highly beneficial as well. I mean, we are actually creating the healing frequencies within our own bodies! You can’t get much closer to source than that.

Sometimes, to avoid my dog interrupting a morning meditation :), I will sit on my bathroom floor with my headphones and the shower going before getting ready for the day…it’s kind of like a personal sweat lodge! And the hydro therapy of the following shower doesn’t hurt either!

YouTube allows me to find meditations of varying lengths, too, so I can fit a quick one in when I’m running behind (which is often, lol).

I had turned away from meditation for awhile…blaming my ungrounded-ness and my racing mind. Honestly, I was mostly just afraid of what I might find in the silence. Some days it’s easier than others. Some days I find tears or anger that needs release. Sometimes I find calm and balance that lets me know all is well…

One thing I always find, though, is gratitude.